Road deaths fell by nine per cent in the year to June, according to figures from the Department for Transport. Reported road casualties were down seven per cent, as were killed or seriously injured casualties, compared with the 12-month period ending June 2008.
Road traffic was two per cent lower, compared with the 12-month period ending June 2008.
Pedestrians, motorcycle and car user casualties reported to the police showed overall reductions of eight, six and eight per cent respectively, compared with the year ending June 2008.
The number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured fell by nine per cent while motorcycle and car user KSI casualties fell by seven and nine per cent respectively.
The total number of reported pedal cycle casualties rose by two per cent while the number killed or seriously injured rose by four per cent.
Louisa Perry, of 3M Traffic Safety Systems, said: “We are pleased to see the number of road casualties has been reduced, but there is still a lot more that could be done to reduce this figure further.”