Orders for counterbalance trucks will rise by 15.3 per cent in 2010, according to a forecast for the British Industrial Truck Association. Orders for warehouse trucks will see a smaller increase – 7.8 per cent.
This forecast, prepared by for BITA by Oxford Economics, also suggests that shipments should increase by 1.8 per cent for counterbalance and 6.8 per cent for warehouse trucks.
The forecast was calculated by consultancy Oxford Economics which analysed BITA’s sales statistics along with the business output of end users, investment intentions and business sentiment. It then considered changes in customer output, and how past trends and global economic factors might affect ordering activity.
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Overall, a fragile recovery is predicted for the short term, with more robust potential growth in the future. James Clark, secretary general of BITA said that these predictions were being borne out so far this year, and it was “quietly confident” of meeting the projections.