Manchester Airport’s parent group MAG’s outline planning application has been approved for a £100 million world logistics hub in the southern part of Greater Manchester’s Airport City Enterprise Zone.
The development will generate more than 1,800 new jobs for local people over the next ten years in addition to jobs created during the construction process, as well as creating 1.2 to 1.4 million sq ft of new logistics space.
M.A.G’s Airport City Director, John Atkins, said: “World Logistics Hub will attract new international businesses and help existing airport businesses to expand, generating much-needed economic growth and over 1,800 new jobs.
The development will include a mix of medium and small-sized logistics units ranging from approximately 7,500 to 200,000 sq ft in size, designed and constructed to the highest possible BREEAM and LEED environmental standards.
“The development will create a sustainable commercial product of international significance, providing high quality logistics facilities linked to the existing airport freight area, with access to the global marketplace – along with 60 per cent of all UK businesses and a consumer market of over 24 million within a two-hour drive time”
The site is located next to Junction 6 of the M56 motorway, close to the existing airport freight area.
The application site totals 91.2 acres, of which around a third is dedicated to new landscaping and natural habitats.