The Food Storage and Distribution Federation is calling for transparent, robust and reliable food management of international food chains, following recent scandals of beef contaminated with horse meat.
Chief executive Chris Sturman said: “The evidence of horsemeat introduced as a raw material into the processed food and ready meal industry is disconcerting for everyone.”
Sturman pointed out that a robust control process covers the storage and distribution chain. “Regrettably, it does not cover procurement, manufacturing and processing sectors, where it appears these kinds of public health scares have arisen.”
He went on: “FSDF members, with their close relationship with meat trade customers, Defra and FSA, will continue to ensure that good quality meat, in the right condition and properly identified and labelled, will be delivered from abattoirs and markets to UK and European retail, wholesale and food service customers. Only in that way can consumer confidence be justifiably maintained. We look forward to help create a speedy resolution to the problems.”