Travis Perkins has finally signed to build a 700,000 sq ft regional distribution centre at Omega North leaving just six acres available on the site for development.
The deal follows hot on the heels of news that parcel delivery company Hermes has secured a £17 million D&B warehousing deal totalling 140,000 sq ft on the site.
Grocery and food supplier Brake Bros was the first occupier on Omega North for an £18 million distribution facility in December.
Omega North, is located at junction eight of the M62 in Warrington.
Over on adjacent site Omega South Asda is rumoured to be the occupier for a 600,000 sq ft £100 million logistics centre which secured planning recently.
Andrew Sutherland, joint managing director of Scottish building group Miller Developments, a partner of OWL, said: “The level of occupier success we have achieved at Omega North since Christmas is unprecedented throughout not only the North West but the whole of the UK.
“The fact that, subject to planning being granted, we have only two small sites left on Omega North demonstrates that we have now created a major logistics hub in the North West.”
Pending a positive outcome on a ‘reserved matters’ application submitted to Warrington council last week, OWL will be building Travis Perkins a freehold ‘turn-key’ unit comprising 630,000 sq ft on the ground floor, with a further 70,000 sq ft at mezzanine level.
Construction is expected to start in mid-2013 and should take about a year.
OWL is a joint venture between Miller Developments and KUC Properties, in partnership with landowner the Homes and Communities Agency, and supported by Warrington Council and the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).