The Freight Transport Association has welcomed the publication of the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Transport Inquiry into freight transport.
Gavin Scott, FTA’s head of policy for Scotland, said: “The Inquiry has highlighted a number of interesting and important matters which relate to the economic and efficient operation of freight transport in Scotland. Over the course of the coming months and years we look forward to improvements in those operations, to the benefit of both freight operators and Scottish industry.”
Scott said that it was very appropriate for the Inquiry to seek to research a better understanding of the nature and extent of the operation of foreign vehicles in Scotland. He said: “FTA has called for foreign vehicles to supply key information regarding their ownership and condition before they enter the UK. This would allow the enforcement agencies to more effectively target their work towards potential offenders. Although they can call up comprehensive information on UK vehicles at the press of a button, virtually nothing is known about foreign vehicles.”
The report also raised issues of; analysing lorry speed limits on strategic single carriageway roads, the relieving of congestion throughout the network and prioritise freight, encouraging local authorities and regional transport partnerships to review existing restrictions on night delivery, and the provision of better roadside facilities for freight drivers.