Clothing and accessories chain Lakeland has chosen Hellmann Worldwide Logistics to transport handbags, luggage and boxed garments from India to the UK. The business combines a mixture of the company’s fashion logistics services, encompassing both ocean and air freight. Lakeland is a privately owned family business based in Ambleside, Cumbria with seventeen stores. Logistics manager Jane Marshall said: “Personal service is fundamental within our company, from the stores to our general business. We have previously worked with Hellmann domestically, and our Indian factory is in close proximity to its office in Kolkata. Lakeland maintains a personal relationship with Hellmann, which we feel guarantees an excellent level of service” “With Hellmann’s offices local to our key supply chain locations, we feel confident that our handbags, luggage and boxed garments will always arrive safely and on time, regardless of our requirement for flexibility.” Hellmann and Lakeland devised a contract that would remain flexible, as the number and nature of consignments can be subject to change week on week. Gareth Walter, fashion logistics manager at Hellmann said: “On average, we distribute three to four consignments of product a week for Lakeland, but as it operates on a seasonal basis, this often triples at peak times.” Hellmann has fourteen offices in India, and ten premises in the United Kingdom; enabling it to cater for Lakeland’s time-critical requirements. All goods are delivered directly from Hellmann’s office in Kolkata to Lakeland’s headquarters in Ambleside.
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