Winner: Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust with Ingenica Solutions
Highly Commended: NHS England & Improvement with TWS Partners
Shortlisted: CEMEX UK with Avetta
As in previous years, this was once again a high scoring category, with medical issues predominating.
The focus of the entry from NHS England & Improvement with TWS Partners was the management of a £1bn procurement tender for new oral tablets to treat Hepatitis C, with the aim to eliminate the disease in England by 2025, five years earlier than the World Health Organisation target.
It is estimated that over 160,000 people are infected with Hepatitis C in England, with around half unaware of their condition. To hit the elimination target a step change in procurement practice was required. There were challenges around a lack of natural competition, determining the best pricing and reimbursement model, and finding a way of creating one holistic tender. The innovative solution arrived at was to implement six key solutions, ranging from using multi-year contracts with in-year performance-based incentives, to introducing supplier assessments which rely on a total value of ownership approach, together with a cutting-edge supplier selection process leveraging several auction formats in a multi-stage process. The results achieved so far have been impressive. A 28% improvement in average treatment costs and NHS England is on track to being the first country to eliminate Hepatitis C in the Western World.

This was an excellent entry and a tough one to beat. However, they were up against very strong competition, so the judges unanimously voted to Highly Commend NHS England & Improvement with TWS Partners.
Inventory management within the NHS remains a significant issue at national level. However, the entry from Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust with Ingenica Solutions holds the potential to transform and influence supply chain practices across the NHS.
In a move to bring about change, the Government has made it mandatory for hospitals to implement GS1 data standards and inventory management. Taking this forward, the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust is implementing Ingenica Solution’s 360 IM inventory management technology to improve procurement and supply chain processes and enable the tracking and tracing of products throughout the supply chain. The initiative will allow the Trust to manage products across theatre, ward and other high dependency areas at all three of its locations in Truro, Penzance and Hayle. The benefits to the Trust in terms of savings and improvements in patient care have been significant, with a 15% reduction in expenditure in areas using the system, the ability to trace a recalled implant in seconds, clear visibility of available stock, and the freeing up of clinical time, to name but a few.
The judges recognised the significance of the initiative to the whole of the NHS and the enormous savings, efficiencies and benefits that could transform the performance of the sector. The judges awarded the trophy for Sourcing and Procurement to Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust with Ingenica Solutions.
James Leaver, chief procurement officer for Royal Cornwall hospital, NHS Trust, said: “We are just incredibly proud. We are so proud to be here, just to go toe-to-toe with people in the industry. It has been a huge effort for everyone locally in the trust. And we’re just proud to bring it home for the NHS.”
The 24th Supply Chain Excellence Awards will take place on 12 November 2020. The awards are a celebration of all things supply chain and all entrants are put through their paces – including presenting to a panel of their peers – to ensure only the best win the coveted award.
For more information, including how to enter and sponsorship opportunities, and to register your interest go to: