Associated British Ports’ Humber ports of Grimsby, Imminghan, Hull and Goole are benefitting from the delivery of two Liebher material handling machines, representing an investment of £1 million.
The machines have been working at all four Humber ports, providing vessel loading/discharging, stockpile management and vehicle loading.
They are also able to handle a range of commodities such as dry bulks and packaged cargo, as well as scrap metal and project cargoes.
“Compared to recent large crane purchases these machines are focused on servicing smaller vessels. It does deliver a new type of flexibility and consequently will enhance our operational capabilities and expand the range of services available at our Humber ports,” said John Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby & Immingham.
Matt Jukes, port director for Hull & Goole, added: “The flexibility of this equipment means that it can be transferred between port operations, or even ports.”