Deutsche Post DHL says it has improved its Carbon Efficiency Index by three points, handled some 1,300 tonnes of relief supplies in earthquake-stricken areas, launched an initiative that helps schools located in socially troubled neighbourhoods, and managed to increase the number of GoGreen shipments from 145 to 700 million.
Chief executive Frank Appel said: “We can be successful only if we focus on sustainable development. This means doing business in a sustainable and successful manner and assuming our social responsibility.”
In its Corporate Responsibility Report 2009/2010, Deutsche Post DHL set out its three programmes:
GoGreen: Reducing CO2 emissions helps the company reach its overarching goal: By 2020, it intends to improve CO2 efficiency throughout the Group, including subcontractors, by 30 per cent compared with levels of 2007. Overall, the CO2 efficiency improved by three points in comparison to 2008.
GoHelp: The Disaster Response Teams performed missions in Indonesia, the Philippines and Samoa. Deutsche Post DHL also got off to a successful start in the training program GARD – Get Airports Ready for Disaster – by launching two pilot projects in Indonesia.
GoTeach: As a founding partner and the largest supporter of Teach First Germany, Deutsche Post DHL is working to provide fairer educational opportunities and to support children and young people who come from less-privileged backgrounds in Germany.