BIFA has welcomed the decision by HM Revenue & Customs to allow a period of dual running when SAD Harmonisation is implemented on 1st October.
Dual running of old and new type Customs declarations will be allowed until 20th January 2008.
Colin Beaumont, BIFA director general aid: “During our discussions with HMRC, we have always made it clear that forwarders, importers and exporters would face major disruption if HMRC was not to allow a reasonable period of dual running, especially in the busy autumn period. We have lobbied hard for HMRC to maintain a minimum three-month period for dual running at the implementation stage.
“This will give forwarders the ability to adapt to the new procedures and uncover any defects of upgraded systems and software along the way. HMRC has listened to industry concerns and is adopting a more pragmatic approach, with both systems operating simultaneously for just over three months. It should make the significant risks involved for all concerned more manageable.
“The decision is a further testimony to the lobbying activities that we undertake on behalf of our members. We have continued to make strong representations on behalf of the industry direct to HMRC through our Customs Policy Group (PG5).”
The new, more harmonised SAD (SAD-H) is an EU Commission initiative linked to other EU-level information technology projects designed to bring about the aimed for ‘paperless customs environment’ under the modernised Community Customs Code. These will include new pre-arrival / departure freight reporting requirements, for security purposes, for ‘third country’ traffic.
Customs software supplier Impatex is ahead of the SAD harmonisation timetable, with the release to customers of a tested and functional SAD H upgrade to its Customs Manager software.
Impatex said release of the upgrade had taken place some six weeks ahead of SAD H Day, to give customers extra time to familiarise themselves with the new screens and tariff changes, and to perform dummy entries, before they begin working with the live system.