Browsing: Property

One 20-acre plot remains at Express Park in Bridgwater capable of accommodating up to 420,000 sq ft in a single new building.

Electrical retailer Maplin Electronics has taken a 196,000 sq ft warehouse at St Paul’s Developments’ Brookfields Park in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

International Furniture Direct Operations has taken a 10-year lease at £210,000 a year on a 60,000 sq ft headquarters and distribution centre at Abercynon near Pontypridd on South Wales.

CMN Logistics has taken advantage of developer St Modwen’s offer of short-term leases at its 550,000 sq ft South Ockendon warehouse in Thurrock by snapping up 200,000 sq ft on a five-year lease.

Fashion retailer New Look has taken Gladman Developments’ G-Space 300, a 300,000 sq ft distribution warehouse at Lymedale Business Park in Newcastle-under-Lyme.