On the road and in the warehouse, the pressure is mounting to be more environmentally friendly. Later this year there will be the introduction of a tough new regime for exhaust emissions from trucks with the Euro 4 legislation.
In London, mayor Ken Livingstone has plans for a low-emission zone for commercial vehicles. Vehicles which do not meet the appropriate standards will face swingeing charges to come into town.
And the pressure is also mounting for more environmentally-friendly warehouses. Often, this is seen as putting windmills and solar panels on the roof. In fact, as Ken Hall of ProLogis told delegates at the Logistics Manager Supply Chain conference last month, there is a whole series of factors that go into making a sustainable warehouse and solar panels are not necessarily the most important. In fact, in this issue of Logistics Manager we look at some of the factors that go to make a sustainable warehouse.
The pressures highlighted above are not going to go away – no matter how wearisome dealing with them might sometimes seem.
Much logistics activity occurs in very public places – in the high street, on the motorway – and warehouses are all too visible. Environmental awareness is increasingly a necessity. Surely the trick is to make a virtue of it.
Where to find a warehouse
With this issue of Logistics Manager, you should have received our major new supplement: LM-Sheds: The Distribution Centre Directory.
LM-Sheds has details of hundreds of warehouses that are on the market as well as details of developers, agents, development agencies and suppliers of specialist services.
Now you can access all this information – and more – only at our new web site: LM-Sheds.com
Not only does LM-Sheds.com contain everything in the directory, it also has information on hundreds more smaller warehouses that we didn’t have room for. And the searchable database will make it even easier than ever to locate the sites that suit your needs along with the essential details of the site, agents and so on.
In print and online, LM-Sheds really is the best place to find your next warehouse.