Browsing: Supply Chain

The Supply Chain Excellence Award for Innovation is itself an innovation this year. The judges had in mind both true innovation – processes, methods or technologies that have never been seen before – but also innovation in the sense of introducing a techn

As the Christmas traffic builds, our town centres lurch closer to gridlock and the need for collaborative logistics systems seems ever more paramount.

The new Award for Team of the Year requires a little explanation. The judges were not primarily looking for evidence of group hugs around the water cooler, valuable though such techniques may be.

Did you know that 44 per cent of IBM’s market capitalisation is driven by the supply chain? Increased product complexity, IT outsourcing and falling prices are putting increasing pressure on the vital area of high-tech logistics.

The prophets were wrong. e-procurement (or e-anything) doesn’t change behaviour and success depends not so much on technical excellence as on changing organisational cultures by demonstrating tangible benefits.

‘Expect to see companies moving production back to Europe,’ says the vice-president at AT Kearney