Browsing: By Liza Helps

Is there enough space for cargo at the UK’s airports? Liza Helps investigates

There is increasing pressure on occupiers to opt for D&B across the region as the amount of Grade A space dwindles even further. Liza Helps reports

With demand set to soar for e-commerce related warehousing is there enough space to support it? Liza Helps reports

Painstaking work is underway to ensure the success of the logistics redeployment from Afghanistan, says Liza Helps, following criticism of the MoD’s supply chain set-up in 2011

It’s a brave new world but can the property industry keep up? Liza Helps investigates

With little available space in the region what options are available for occupiers? Liza Helps reports

Is the cure-all for port centric superiority aligned to who will secure a deep sea berth first? Liza Helps reports

A shortage of the right type of stock is causing headaches for occupiers even in the oversupplied North, reports Liza Helps

Over five million square feet of big box building developed before the downturn have now been taken up – so what’s left? Liza Helps investigates

The pressure is on to find delivery depots for online shopping. But, says Liza Helps, shortage of space means looking at design and build