Browsing: Knapp

The Fork Lift Truck Association will be hosting a stand at the Logistics Link South Exhibition in February in order to meet truck owners and operators, and to help them optimise operations by running their trucks more safely and more efficiently.

Danone Baby Nutrition has been named overall winner at the European Supply Chain Excellence Awards in London beating off competition from some of Europe’s leading companies

Fashion brand Hugo Boss has commissioned Knapp to supply the warehouse automation for its new distribution centre in Germany, including the largest OSR shuttle of its kind in the world…

Knapp Logistics Automation saw record turnover of some 327 million euros, and orders worth 425 million euros, in the year ending March 2012

Fashion retailers and customers alike are demanding more than ever before, and they want it faster. Is technology the answer?

The growth of internet sales and a burgeoning multi-channel retail sector has created a ready market for automated solutions that centre on order picking efficiency. But take it a step at a time