Browsing: Casio

Logistics firms performed outstandingly throughout the London 2012 Olympic Games. Transport for London has thanked companies for the way they responded and industry associations have reported no discernible problems

Casio EPoS has launched its new software-as-a-service offering, Casio Business Portal, and its first Android platform tablet computer, the VX Tablet

For much of the past 20 years (at least), the focus of supply chain professionals has been on squeezing every last penny of cost out of operations, but the issue of resilience is pushing its way to the fore…

High tech products require a high spec supply chain that can accommodate the constant development of new products while providing a quick and secure service. How have supply chains adapted to keep up and what must be done to improve flexibility? Lucy Tess

Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks plans to give away hundreds of high visibility vests to forklift users during September in support of National Fork Lift Safety Week which runs from 19th – 25th September

Mediterranean Shipping Company has transferred its flagship Asia-Europe services, the Lion and Silk Services, to Felixstowe’s new berths 8 and 9, which have been created specifically to deal with the next generation of container ships

Weighing up the options when it comes to choosing a counterbalance truck can be a precarious job, but more than ever the focus is on reducing costs, flexibility and energy efficiency. Lucy Tesseras reports.