Browsing: Hewlett Packard

No one ever got fired for having too much inventory, but they certainly have for running out of stock. With that warning from Professor David Simchi-Levi, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ringing in their ears attendees at Supply Chain Standa

Retail is changing fast. Multi-channel retailing is the name of the game for leading high street brands, but a strategic mix of online and physical stores is far from simple to manage, as the world”s second largest computer maker is finding out.

Unipart Technology Logistics started ten years ago with a contract from computer company Hewlett-Packard to support engineers in the UK with a delivery service. Maurice Daw, managing director of the company, looks at the key trends affecting high technolo

The dynamics of the electronics sector are changing. With individuals now purchasing more high tech products than companies, supply chains are having to be more closely aligned to customer needs. But consumers are fickle and product life spans are short,

Complex supply chain operations are increasing the pressure on warehouse management systems to stay one step ahead. At the same time, IT professionals are under increasing pressure to squeeze more out of existing systems.

In the relentless search for ever improving returns on investment and market competitiveness, some of the world’s biggest corporations are applying a model that is known as SCOR — the Supply Chain Operations Reference model

Central to European logistics activity, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg – the ‘Benelux’ region – is set to benefit from the trend to outsource from China. Within easy reach of Europe’s prosperous consumer population demand for distribution facilit

RFID Solution Centre, part of Agility Systems, and OATSystems, a pioneer of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology framework software, have teamed up to help companies in the transport and logistics supply chain take full advantage of RFID.